In a period where industrial transformations take place rapidly, METAL SHOW & TIB remains the event no. 1 in Romania that addresses a targeted audience, with a clear focus on innovation and technological excellence, ready to invest in machine tools, equipment, raw materials, new products, and solutions to optimize production processes.

With the strong impact on the environment due to technological development, environmental responsibility has become a European directive, and EU legislation provides for the reduction of carbon emissions by 60% by 2030 (compared to the 1990 level).

In this context, METAL SHOW & TIB 2024 emphasizes, for the first time in Romania, the promotion of technologies and solutions that contribute to reducing the carbon footprint in the metal processing industry.

There are solutions, but how do we put them into practice? More and more companies ask themselves questions such as: 

  • What is the size of the carbon footprint that your company leaves? 
  • What carbon footprint does each piece of equipment produce? 
  • How do you reduce carbon emissions? 
  • How do you manage resources? 

At the global level, there is a concern on the part of manufacturers and processing companies for the creation and use of equipment, raw materials, and technologies that protect the environment. 

In 2024, METAL SHOW & TIB will continue to be the strongest business platform that will promote: 

  1. energy efficient equipment
  2. the automation and digitization of production processes, in the context of the energy transition
  3. advanced less invasive processing technologies (laser, water, or microfabrication)
  4. renewable energies and energy storage systems
  5. sustainable materials, with low impact on the environment

Because METAL SHOW & TIB supports the present for a better future, the new concept of the fair also provides for 2 special areas: 

  • START-UP AREA – an area dedicated to start-ups established after 2022 and presenting a differentiator in the market.

  • TECH AREA – EDUCATION AND PROJECTS – a space intended for the exchange of information between the programs and students from the specialized faculties and the managers of the manufacturing industry. 

Between May 14th and 17th, 2024, METAL SHOW & TIB – the platform of local and international producers, suppliers, and distributors offers the Romanian industrial market a unique and direct meeting place for the transfer of knowledge, individual manufacturing solutions, and new valuable business contacts at the level professionally, to explore new directions in production.

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